Rapture Entry #4852

The boats are pretty, but the canyon lit up with evening light, words can’t do it justice.

Rapture Entry #4840

Watching my child be braver than me, stronger than me, and learn a new skill is the best feeling

Rapture Entry #4803

To qualify as mom of the year, it should be a required that you take your kids on river trips. Kami should win for this and many other reasons.

Rapture Entry #4797

The moment after hitting a wave you thought was going to be much smaller than it was.

Rapture Entry #4587

This photo is of on of my close coworkers. We have become really good friends over the years. I love this photo because it beautifully demonstrates her love and deep connection to the river.

Rapture Entry #4583

after a big swim through Wild Sheep rapid, Jackson’s beer was well deserved 😉

Rapture Entry #4557

You only run a river for the first time once. And there’s nothing like your first launch at the put in for the Middle Fork.

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